Text A. Work of an In-patient DepartmentWhen patients are admitted to  перевод - Text A. Work of an In-patient DepartmentWhen patients are admitted to  узбекский как сказать

Text A. Work of an In-patient Depar

Text A. Work of an In-patient Department

When patients are admitted to the hospital first of all they are received by a nurse on duty at the reception ward.

Those patients who are to be hospitalized have already received the direction from the polyclinic. The nurse on duty fills in patients' case histories in which she writes down their names, age, place of work, occupation, address and the initial diagnosis made by a doctor at the polyclinic.

Then a doctor on duty examines the hospitalized patients and gives his instructions what department and wards the patients are to be admitted to.

At the in-patient departments of a hospital life begins early in the morning. The nurses on duty take the patients' temperature, give them intramuscular and intravenous injections, take stomach juice for analysis, apply cups and give all the prescribed remedies in the doses indicated by the ward doctors.

The nurses keep all the drugs in special drug cabinets.2 All the drugs have special labels (этикетки). The names of drugs are indicated on them. Patients are not allowed to take the medicines themselves because some drugs are poisonous, the overdosage of some other drugs may cause unfavourable reactions and even death.

At about nine o'clock in the morning the doctors begin the daily rounds of the wards during which they examine all the patients. After the medical examination the doctors administer the patients different procedures: electrocardiograms are taken, laboratory analyses of blood, urine and gastric juice are made. Some patients are administered a bed regimen, others are allowed to walk; some are to follow a diet to relieve stomachache or prevent unfavourable results in case of stomach troubles. All the doctors always treat the patients with great attention and care. There is no doubt that such a hearty attitude of the doctors to the patients helps much in their recovery.
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Результаты (узбекский) 1: [копия]
Matn An Of A. Ish In-bemor bo'limi bemorlar Ular ziyofat Ward paytda navbatchi hamshira tomonidan qabul qilinadi Barcha Of Kasalxona The First qabul qilinadi qachon. kasalxonaga zarur bo'lgan bemorlar Allaqachon poliklinika From yo'nalishi oldi. Bemor Case tarixi Duty to'ldiradi to'g'risida Opa qaysi yilda ularning ismlari, Yosh Down yozuvchi, workTel, ishg'ol, manzil va The poliklinikasida shifokor tomonidan chiqarilgan dastlabki tashxis joyi. Keyin navbatchi A Doctor yotgan bemorlar tekshiradi va beradi Ko'rsatmalarga bo'limi nima Uning Va shogirdlari bemorlar. qabul qilinadi A Kasalxona hayot In-bemor idoralarda erta tongda boshlanadi. Navbatchi hamshiralar, bemor harorat oling Them mushak ichi va tomir ichiga kiritish ber, tahlil uchun Oshqozon meva oling, krujkalar Qo'llash Va Ward vrachlar tomonidan ko'rsatilgan dozalarda barcha belgilangan dorilar ber. Hamshiralar Maxsus Drug kabinetlariga barcha narkotiklarga tuting .2 barcha dorilar maxsus teg (этикетки). dori nomlari ko'rsatiladi ularga. Ba'zi bir giyohvand zaharlangan, chunki dori-darmon o'zlari bemorlarning ruxsat berilmaydi, Salbiy reaksiyalar va hatto o'limga sabab bo'lishi mumkin, ayrim boshqa preparatlar buyuriladi. Ertalab to'qqiz soat Shifokorlar ular davomida uchastkalari Daily donachalari boshlang Barcha bemorlar tekshirib. Tibbiy ko'rikdan so'ng shifokorlar boshqarish bemorlar turli vositalariga: elektrokaryogram olinadi, laboratoriya qilingan qon, siydik va me'da shirasining tahlil. Ba'zi bemorlar, bir to'shak rejimi tatbiq etiladi boshqalar yurish uchun ruxsat beriladi; Ba'zi engillashtirish uchun parhez amal qilish stomachache yoki oshqozon qiyinchiliklar holda salbiy natija oldini oladi. Barcha shifokorlar har doim bilan bemorlarni davolashda katta e'tibor va g'amxo'rlik. Bunday samimiy shubha yo'q bemorlarga shifokorlar munosabati, ularning tiklanish juda yordam beradi.

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