Результаты (
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ЛОНДОН BOTANICAL в садуТам are использования восемьдесят parks in London, подарен and small.Three of them are in the centre of the city:Hyde Regent 's Park and Пак, St. Lames s Park).The others are. In different parts of London.London is a very green city.In the south-west London, near the river Thames (there is a - Ну park of Great Великобритании - the Кью сады. это is a hotanical garden).All year round you see lots of flowers there because Кью получает 100 000 different from its заводы, чтобы - заводы, чтобы почти all countries of the world.The заводы, чтобы, когда greenhouses live in which like hot, for example, palms grow in the palm house.The first palm was planted здесь 150 лет назад.сейчас not only palm деревьев, но bananas and oranges grow here too.Another house, which is the people like to visit, был кактус house.Cactuses came from планета, где здесь месяц after month it не t rain '.Там are of different сотни деревьев in 120 hectares of Кью.Some of the деревьев are 200 years old.The работников of the garden planted them when Кью was довольно young.In some countries деревьев hecome scarce.The работников of Кью go to these countries and come back with the семена of these деревьев and plant them at Кью.Таким образом, the деревьев which are few in the world, live in this garden.Кью is important for men, who are Том of nature, деревьев and flowers, and for young men, who are going to study bot and приготовление.каждый год sixty from all over the world young men come here for the three-year-course of garden-ing at Кью.после того, как они work in this course in many big parks and gardens different countries.в три museums of Кью гостей see timber from the деревьев of many countries, food and in-dustrial заводы, чтобы заводы, чтобы заводы, чтобы, медицина.300 photos work at Кью now.Хорошо, когда в 20 000 photos a day come about to visit KEW.
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